The Lymph Place Dr Vodder Manual Lymph Drainage Therapy
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Dr Vodder's Manual Lymph Drainage
Lymphoedema Care: Combined Decongestive Therapy and Compression Therapy
Low Level Laser
Kinesiology/Lymph Taping
Myofascial Release
Craniosacral Therapy


Low Level Laser

The aim of laser therapy is to administer light energy units in the form of photons to damaged cells.
The general agreement is that the photons are absorbed by the cells through laser therapy stimulating
the mitochondria to accelerate production of Adenosine Triphosphate (ATP). This biochemical reaction
increases cell energy and is used to assist cells from a state of illness to a stable healthy state. Low
level laser may help accelerate the body's immune response through which the body's own healing
process is activated.